"It is normal to experience a broad range of emotions. Common emotions include sadness, joy, excitement, fear, guilt, anger, shame, and anxiety, to name a few. Experiencing a broad range of emotions is natural and unproblematic. However, intense emotions or rapid fluctuations between positive and negative emotions can be a source of great pain and distress for you and for those around you. If you struggle with intense emotions or extreme emotional shifts, you may be wondering, “Why?” The workshop will explore not only the why but also how to cope with shifting emotional states. While you can’t change your biology or prevent yourself from ever experiencing strong emotions in the future, you can change the ways in which you respond to your intense emotions. This will help you effectively manage them, which helps to alleviate emotional suffering.
• Find Out What You Are Feeling
• Anticipate Ahead
• Check the Facts
• Distract Yourself
• Channel Your Energy"