"The 6 – 8 week MBSR program originated from and was developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre. Some thirty years on, the person centred, psycho-educational, and pragmatic and practice based stress reduction program has a well-established evidence base across a diversity of medical as well as non-medical settings and not least the work-place.
• Understand the principles of mindfulness practice and the positive impact on mind, body, brain, overall functioning and performance.
• Understand and apply the concepts of acceptance, beginners mind, bare attention and de-centring to positively manage the inevitable and unavoidable challenges of daily living and including work-life stressors.
• Understand and develop a compassionate self-awareness to promote resilience and responsible, positive self-care.
• Learn two contemplative mindful meditative practices and through continued practice designed to;
• Reduce stress – anxiety and promote self compassion, resilience and generalised wellbeing. "
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
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